<!doctype html>
<title>Hello World</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/b.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript"src='js/a.js'></script>
<div id="svg_container">
<svg width="450" height="300"
<div id="BRCA">
<ul class="mutations">
with jQuery:
$('#BRCA') == <div>....</div>
$('.mutations') == <ul>...</ul>
$('.mutations li') == [<li>1</li>,<li>2</li>]
$('.mutations li:first') == <li>1</li>
or d3:
d3.select('#BRCA') == <div>....</div>
d3.select('.mutations') == <ul>...</ul>
d3.selectAll('.mutations li') == [<li>1</li>,<li>2</li>]
d3.select('.mutations li:first') == <li>1</li>
<svg id="updating-plot" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="450" height="200">
<g class="canvas" transform="translate(25,15)">
<g class="axes"></g>
<g class="labels"></g>
<g class="data">
<circle cx="135" cy="150" fill="#F23" stroke="none" r="6"/> </g>
<rect fill="none" stroke="#0000FF" stroke-width="2"
x="60" y="30" width="100" height="60" transform="rotate(45)"/>
<path fill="none" stroke="#444444" stroke-width="2"
d="M40 70 L240 100"/>
<text x="100" y="30" class="label">Hello World</text>
Javascript is growing (ES6 is coming) into a full featured tool. It enables a growing number of interactions between the user, the browser, and the data.
Javascript library that joins data to the document (DOM). Created by the author of Protovis, Mike Bostock. Several other regular contributors on the project.
D3 is not rigidly coupled to SVG. SVG lends itself to functional operations. D3 does provide high level generators for creating SVG objects quickly.
var w = 450,
h = 300;
//attach an svg object to the DOM. Size it appropriately
var svg = d3.select('#plot')
.attr('width', w)
.attr('height', h);
//draw an outer border.
.attr('x', '0')
.attr('y', '0')
.attr('width', w)
.attr('height', h)
.attr('stroke-width', '2')
.attr('stroke', 'black')
.attr('fill', 'none');
//attach a title to the graph using a svg:text object
.attr('class', 'title')
.attr('x', w/2 - 40) //position in the center (sorta)
.attr('y', "14")
.text('Scatter Plot!');
//x_scale maps the array index to the viewport
var x_scale = d3.scale.linear()
//invert the y_scale such that higher values is closer to the top
var y_scale = d3.scale.linear()
//d3 function to create an axis from x_scale with the domain flipped
var x_axis = d3.svg.axis()
.scale(x_scale.copy().domain([20,0]))//use the x_scale
.attr('transform','translate(0,' + screen_height + ')')
.call(x_axis); //call the axis generator
var data_array = [
{x:32, y:224}, //functionally, instead
{x:47, y:113},
{x:128, y:63},
{x:178, y:160},
function drawCircles() {
.append('circle') //add the circles
.attr('class', 'data_point')
.attr('cx', function(point) { return x_scale(point.x); })
.attr('cy', function(point) { return y_scale(point.y); })
.attr('r', 4 ) //radius of 4
.style('fill', 'blue' );//set style fill to blue
z_color_scale = d3.scale.linear()
function drawCircles() {
.style('fill',function(point) {
return z_color_scale(point.z);})
function setupRendering() {
// create the path based on the index and y values
create_line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(point,i) {return x_scale(i);})
.y(function(point) {return y_scale(point.y);})
function drawLine() {
.append('path') //path = line
.attr('d',create_line); // 'd' determines the path
function drawCircles() {
.on('mouseover',function() { //change size and color on mouseover
.attr('r', 15)
.style('fill', 'black');
.on('mouseout',function() { //restore on mouseout
.attr( 'r', 4)
.style( 'fill', function(point) {
return z_color_scale(point.z); })
function appendDataPoint() {
data_array.push(createDataPoint());// push a new point onto the back
.remove(); //remove the circles
drawCircles(); //redraw circles
d3.select('.data_plot')//move the parent panel of the circles to the left
.attr("transform", null) //reset translation to zero
.transition() //begin the transition definition
.duration(1000) //for 1000 msec
.ease("linear") //at a constant rate
.attr("transform", "translate(" + x_scale(-1) + ")") //go left!
.each("end", appendDataPoint); //rinse and repeat
data_array.shift(); // pop the oldest data point off of the array
//clipPath prevents the data from bleeding over into other areas
.attr("id", "clip")
.attr("width", w*0.8)
.attr("height", h*0.8);
//the plot area is inset from the border
.attr('transform' , 'translate(' + ir_x_offset + ',' + ir_y_offset + ')')
.attr("clip-path", "url(#clip)"); //attach clip
Regulome Explorer
Transcriptional Regulation & Epigenetic Landscape